Wednesday, February 2, 2011

For information..

Aural Learning Style

The aural learning style is one of the most well-known learning styles. Many people learn this way. An aural learner soaks up information the easiest when it is presented in an auditory way. Speaking, listening and music all come naturally to the aural learner. It is important to know about all of the learning styles to determine which learning style each person uses.


  1. The aural learning style combines the best of auditory learning with musical memory. It is important to know what kind of learning style you have to know the best way to study and learn. The aural learning style is one of the primary learning styles. People who have this kind of learning style work best when they are able to hear directions and speak answers. They are also usually better at memorizing songs and other auditory sounds. Sometimes they are even better at learning musical instruments than other people with different learning styles.
  2. Considerations

  3. It is important to know what kind of learning style each person favors. Knowing about different learning styles can help someone be a better student, worker and teacher. Someone who has an aural learning style but continues to try to learn through visual or textual learning methods may not perform as well or learn as much. It is important to study in a way that matches an individual's learning style. Teachers should be aware of the learning styles of their students as well.
  4. Learning Techniques

  5. There are strategies that can be used to increase learning for aural learners, such as listening closely to lectures while taking notes. Reading notes aloud also helps. Many aural learners tape lessons and training and play back the tapes as a study method. Math concepts can be translated into oral problems. When trying to memorize something, speak the words over and over out loud.
  6. Theories/Speculation

  7. According to research, aural learners have a unique position that allows them to understand verbal concepts better than people with other learning styles. Researchers have shown that aural learners are better able to work in careers that deal with verbal memorization and speaking than individuals with other learning styles. David P. Diaz and Ryan B. Cartnal believe that students' learning styles affect their level of comprehension in distance learning classes. The aural learner could have more difficultly in an online class.
  8. Potential

  9. Aural learners often make good speakers and actors. Aural learners can often learn to play several musical instruments. It is also easier for them to learn additional languages. While aural learners may struggle in math, they often perform well in traditional school settings.

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Aural Study Strategies

If you have a strong preference for learning by Aural methods (A = hearing) you should use some or all of the following:

To take in the information:
  • attend classes
  • attend discussions and tutorials
  • discuss topics with others
  • discuss topics with your teachers
  • explain new ideas to other people
  • use a tape recorder
  • remember the interesting examples, stories, jokes...
  • describe the overheads, pictures and other visuals to somebody who was not there
  • leave spaces in your notes for later recall and 'filling'
SWOT - Study without tears
To make a learnable package:
Convert your "notes" into a learnable package by reducing them (3:1)
  • Your notes may be poor because you prefer to listen. You will need to expand your notes by talking with others and collecting notes from the textbook.
  • Put your summarised notes onto tapes and listen to them.
  • Ask others to 'hear' your understanding of a topic.
  • Read your summarised notes aloud.
  • Explain your notes to another 'aural' person.
To perform well in any test, assignment or examination:
  • Imagine talking with the examiner.
  • Listen to your voices and write them down.
  • Spend time in quiet places recalling the ideas.
  • Practice writing answers to old exam questions.
  • Speak your answers aloud or inside your head.
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